We often publish articles in various industry magazines, we also give seminars and lectures to a range of audiences, please find a selection below.
2017, Ross Ingham
Ross was invited by Institute of Continuing Education to give a seminar to a group of students undertaking the Undergraduate Certificate in Historic Building Conservation. The seminar examined the process of developing and delivering large scale historic building restoration projects. The seminar looked at securing funding, project governance, procurement and project coordination.
31st January 2015, Kate Pinnock & Ross Ingham
We were invited by English Heritage to give a seminar at the Institute of Continuing Education, University of Cambridge, to a group of students undertaking the Undergraduate Certificate in Historic Building Conservation. The seminar examined Conservation Areas at Risk and the strategies that can be employed to help regenerate them and in doing so support and enhance the built heritage and local communities.
7th January 2015, Ross Ingham
Ross Ingham was invited by Broadland District Council to give a seminar entitled ‘What can a Neighbourhood Plan achieve for your community?’ at a Neighbourhood Planning workshop. Alongside Ross, seminars were given by: Richard Squires, Community Development & Liasion Officer at Broadland District Council; Mick Duggan from the Department for Communities and Local Government and a number of local Town Councils who have progressed plans and been successful at referendum. Broadland provide support and expertise to groups wishing to progress Neighbourhood Plans and are currently one of the hot spots for successful Neighbourhood Plans.
25th March 2014, Kate Pinnock
Kate was invited to present an overview of the Broadland Grade II Buildings At Risk Pilot at the Royal Town Planning Institute and Institute of Historic Building Conservation ‘Postive Conservation in Action’ conference in Ely. Ingham Pinnock Associates led the successful pilot study in 2013, partnering with Broadland District Council, IS Heritage, Ian Lush and John Townsend.
She provided a summary of the innovative process trialled by the Broadland Pilot and outlined some key lessons learned. A short summary of the pilot is outlined below, however, if you would like to know more please do not hesitate to contact Kate (kate@inghampinnock.com/ 0797 436 3991) or visit the project page by following this link.
Public Finance – 1st November, Kate Pinnock
With the Localism Act approaching its first anniversary there are already signs that grassroots enthusiasm for localism is waning. The government has over-estimated communities’ ability to take charge of the localism agenda.
Public Finance – 10th September, Ross Ingham
Infrastructure investment should mean more than just new roads and railways. What if funding could also be channelled into town centre regeneration to help improve a place and stimulate demand?
Public Finance – July 2012, Ross Ingham
Isn’t it inequitable that so much effort and publicity was generated by the £2m Mary Portas Pilots, while the larger High Street Innovation Fund was quietly and uncompetitively awarded without any fanfare?
Public Finance – June 2012, Ross Ingham
It’s not just the 12 successful English high streets that will benefit from the funding bids following the Mary Portas Review. Both the winners and losers will gain from the momentum created by the process.
Landscape – February 2012, Kate Pinnock
Sylvia Crowe’s The Landscape of Power is strangely prescient more than 50 years on from its publication, finds Kate Pinnock
“Our ancestors were convinced that all they did was justified by economic results.” This statement sounds every bit like a futuristic appraisal of our current economic recovery plan. Only it’s not. It was made in 1958 by eminent landscape architect, Sylvia Crowe, in her seminal work The Landscape of Power. Rereading Crowe’s book, I’m stuck by just how far ahead of her years she was. Apart from the slightly dated, yet still beautiful, style of her prose and particular differences in the jargon of the era, you could be forgiven for mistaking it for a commentary on today’s appetite for infrastructure or any number of contemporary design discussions. And this, I suppose, is where the interest lies. Fifty years on, what does our ‘landscape of power’ look like and how has our approach to it changed, if at all?
Local Government News – February 2012, Kate Pinnock
Is it time to stop trying to justify investment in green infrastructure using the end product as a driver? Is it time to consider investment in terms of ensuring regeneration is able to progress where green infrastructure is an important catalyst? Kate Pinnock explores these tricky dilemmas. (Undertaken at prior employment, Urban Delivery)
Planning – February 2012, Kate Pinnock
Kate considers how in an era of funding cuts and significant economic uncertainty, public-sector led regeneration projects can be delivered. She looks at the way teams can de-risk projects through a variety of means including: building resolve and support through partnership; securing funding; delivering early public realm or infrastructure; land assembly and planning. (Undertaken at prior employment, Urban Delivery)
Public Finance – December 2011, Ross Ingham
The article focuses on the opportunities and challenges presented by proposed legislation to re-localise non-domestic rates. It considers how local authorities can quantify their potential business rate income capacity from empty commercial space and vacant sites and how they can incentivise development to deliver this uplift. (Undertaken at prior employment, Urban Delivery)
October 2011, contributors Ross Ingham and Kate Pinnock
Building on their 2009 statement on Green infrastructure, the Institute’s new guidance is aimed at inspiring local decision-makers and communities to make the most of their land, while helping wildlife to flourish, reducing flood risk, providing green open space for all, and delivering a wide range of economic, health and community benefits. The booklet features eight case studies from across the UK where GI has been woven into the fabric of local communities, bringing a wide range of benefits and features Bury Mount, Towcester. (Undertaken at prior employment, Urban Delivery)
Public Finance – October 2011, Ross Ingham
Current proposals to relocalise business rates will create a direct link between economic performance and additional revenue for local authorities. So how can they maximise the opportunities? Ross Ingham explores this issue. (Undertaken at prior employment, Urban Delivery)
English Heritage – January 2011, contributors Ross Ingham and Kate Pinnock
Ross and Kate provided contributions to the document and led the restoration of Bury Mount. Bury Mount was included in the ‘Reinforcing Character – public realm’ section which illustrates how new interventions can reinforce local distinctiveness and historic character. The project is praised for turning a neglected backland site into an exciting and much needed new public asset for the town. It is also commended for demonstrating good practice including local community engagement, working in partnership to further resources and capabilities and planning for the long-term. (Undertaken at prior employment, Urban Delivery)